Participation is open to major European thematic events: Maritime days, the Green Week and the EU Regions Week

Take the opportunity to showcase the achievements of your NPA project at major European events dedicated to key themes such as greening efforts, sustainable energy, maritime economy and regional development.

2019 European Week of Regions and Cities main entrance, Brussels.

Each year European institutions such as the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions organise major events around key themes in connection with the political priorities in Europe.

Most of these events happened for many years and became fixed appointments in the agenda of stakeholders, important occasions to meet in Brussels to advance projects, expand networks, get inspired and refresh knowledge.
This year too, the EU Maritime Days, the EU Green Week and the European Week of Regions and cities will take place, again in a digital format, complemented by smaller events on site if allowed.

Despite the disadvantages of not being able to meet in person, digital events give the opportunity to new-comers to actively participate with limited costs and efforts. Participation as audience is always for free and there is the possibility to host an own “partner event” in connection with the main event, which is also for free.

These events can be a great opportunity for Interreg projects to reach a wider audience as well as promote most recent achievements. NPA projects that see a benefit in contributing to these events are encouraged to contact their Desk Officer to confirm the possibility to do so and check the guidelines and deadlines for participation.

EU Maritime Days - 20th and 21th May 2021

The European Maritime Day (EMD) Conference is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and forge joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy.
European Maritime Day 2021 is going hybrid and is planning a mix of digital and physical formats. While plenary sessions on maritime policy will take place in Den Helder (NL) and will be livestreamed, most stakeholders’ workshops will be run virtually via video conferencing.
Go to the maritime conference website

EU Green Week “Zero pollution ambition’ - 31st May to 4th June

The European Green Week 2021 will be dedicated to the ‘zero pollution ambition’. It will also look at other relevant European Green Deal initiatives, such as the climate initiatives, the upcoming Chemicals Strategy, as well as initiatives in the field of energy, industry, mobility, agriculture, fisheries, health and biodiversity.

NPA projects who would like to organise an event in connection to this, should register it as an EU Green Week partner event by 12th March.
Besides workshops, the event will host a virtual exhibition displaying innovative ideas or best practices in an interactive and interesting way in line with the EU Green Week theme ‘Zero pollution’. If you would like to be part of EU Green Week 2021 by having a virtual exhibition stand during the four days of virtual conference, from 1-4 June 2021, you need to apply by 8 March 2021.
Go to the EU Green week homepage 

The European Week of Regions and Cities – 11th to 14th October

The EU Regions week is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

Under the slogan “Together for recovery”, the #EURegionsWeek 2021 will be centred on four topics:

  • Green Transition: for a sustainable and green recovery
  • Cohesion: from emergency to resilience
  • Digital Transition: for people
  • Citizens' engagement: for an inclusive, participative and fair recovery

To read the rules and highlights of the new edition, please visit the partner’s page   of the event website, read the EURegionsWeek 2021 Guide for event partners  and apply no later than 26 March 2021!
Go to the #EUREgionsWeek homepage

European Research and Innovation days -  23-24 June 2021 

European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

Cooperation in research and innovation is essential in our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and will pave the way to a greener and more digital future. The European Research and Innovation Days represent a unique opportunity to add your voice to the conversation.

The event will take place online on 23 and 24 June 2021, allowing everyone to get involved from anywhere.

Go to #RiDaysEU homepagae