Partner report control ready to start!

It is now possible to perform the control work on submitted partner reports in Jems.


Out of 51 project partners due to submit their reports, 43 have already done that. They will be pleased to hear that now controllers can start verifying their reports and certify expenditure in Jems.

Guidance and support

To support partners and controllers in this phase, the programme updated the available guidance, in particular the Jems User Manual. A new section dedicated to Management verification has been added, supported by tutorial videos for enabling a quick start of the partner report control. In addition, partners can read how to follow up control work in the new section “During control”.

The most commonly asked questions about control have been added to the FAQ page. If you do not know where to start from, this is a good place!

Remember to keep an eye on the Reporting section on the website, this is where all information necessary during this phase of implementation will be published.

In case you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Secretariat. For Jems related questions, you can also send an email to jems{at}