Preparatory projects final report submission open

Interreg NPA Jems online system is now ready to receive the final reports of closed preparatory projects.

The Interreg NPA funded 24 Preparatory projects and on 30th November 2023 a total of 11 projects finished. Three shorter Preparatory projects already concluded their activities in May 2023, now all 14 projects will be able to complete and submit their final reports in Jems.

Based on the submitted reports, the programme Secretariat will verify that the projects met their conditions for funding and delivered all planned materials. This type of projects is funded via lump-sums. This is a simplification measure to attract organisations new to the programme, build capacity and develop strong partnerships and main projects. Once the report is approved, the progamme will release the payment of the lump-sum to the Lead Partner for distribution to the partnership.

The purpose of Preparatory projects is to develop high quality Main projects applications. The currently open 4th call for Main project proposals is the first opportunity for the closed projects to submit their new application. In view of this, all prospective Lead Partners are invited to join the online webinar "How to complete an application in Jems" on 13th December, where also project development topics will be discussed.

Thank you to all partners involved in a Preparatory project, and we are looking forward to seeing you in a Main project proposal!

Read more about Final reporting of preparatory projects.