Preparing the NPA 2021-2027 - Report from the 4th programming meeting

Information about the decisions taken at the 4th Programme Planning Group held online on 2nd February 2021.

The Programme Planning Group (PPG) is tasked to prepare a successor programme to the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020 on the basis of the draft Cohesion policy legislative package for the funding period 2021-2027.

The PPG is responsible for all aspects of programme development and is the main decision-making body during the programming of NPA 2021-2027.

Each current programme partner country is represented except the UK. The following organisations are also participating as observers: representatives from Russia, the Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA), the Arctic Council's Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. In addition, the European Commission is an observer in an advisory capacity.

Report from the 4th Programme Planning Group Meeting

At their last meeting, on 2nd February 2020, the PPG agreed on the Priority Objectives of the future NPA programme. The Priority Objectives selected for the future NPA 2021-2027 are: 

  • (PO1) A smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation
  • (PO2) A greener, low-carbon Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate adaptation and risk prevention and management 
  • (ISO1) A better Interreg/Cooperation governance.

With input from the PPG, the area analysis consultants, and Regional Advisory Groups, the drafting team has compiled draft Priorities for the forthcoming NPA 2021-2027, including the Specific Objectives and actions to be supported by the programme.  The PPG agreed on the opportunity to start a consultation process on the draft priorities (follow this link to participate to the consultation). 

The changes to the programme area proposed by the countries of Ireland and Norway were also agreed by the PPG. Thereby the Managing Authority requested the European Commission to approve the following: 

  • the inclusion of the counties Roscommon, Cavan, Monaghan, and Tipperary in Ireland
  • the exclusion of the region Vestlandet (including Rogaland) in Norway.  

The PPG further agreed that the setting up of territorial tools and specific financial instruments is not pursued further.