Programme news

The Fifth Call for Applications closed on 28 February. By the deadline, the Joint Secretariat received 29 admissible applications.

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Questions from 5th call applicants were answered by the Joint Secretariat staff, the video is available for watching on Facebook.

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Applicants to the 5th call are invited to join the Facebook live Q&A on 14th February from 11:00 to 11:30 (Copenhagen time).

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The European Commission examined the final documentation and approved the closure of the NPP programme.

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A Joint UK-EU report confirms that partners from the UK can continue to participate, and bid for funding in Interreg programmes for the remainder of...

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The NPA is one of a large family of Interreg Programmes. With this new portal it will be easier to access information about all of them.

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A new Programme Manager for Communication has been appointed at the Programme Secretariat, Ms. Michela Schliesser Gaifami.

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After nearly 5 years at the helm of the Joint Secretariat, Ole Damsgaard is retiring from his role as Head of Secretariat.

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During the Christmas holiday period, the Joint Secretariat and Managing Authority will not be fully staffed.

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The Joint Secretariat has approved 2 clustering projects aiming to increase awareness and transfer good energy practices. These newly formed project...

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