Programme news

The Third Call for Applications closed on 30th November. By the deadline, the Joint Secretariat received a total of 12 admissible applications.

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On 20th October, 35 participants met for the How to Apply Seminar in Copenhagen. This seminar offered technical sessions led by the Joint Secretariat...

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On 30th September, 100 participants gathered for the second annual conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020 (NPA). The...

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Fifty participants representing 20 NPA projects attended the Lead Partner seminar on 1st October in Kuopio, Finland. This 1-day seminar for approved...

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The Third Call for main project applications was launched today at the NPA Annual Conference 2015 in Kuopio, Finland. The call is open from 30th...

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On 11th September, the Monitoring Committee endorsed the baseline and target values for the programme result indicators. The values are the outcome of...

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On 11th September, the Monitoring Committee decided on a resubmitted project application FREED by Written Procedure.

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The Third Call for main project applications will be open from 30th September to 30th November 2015. The call is open for priority axes 3 and 4 only....

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