Programme news

Information about the decisions taken at the 4th Programme Planning Group held online on 2nd February 2021.

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No nuclear reactions, but a new and more impactful Hydrogen Triple Alliance to increase awareness about the benefits of Hydrogen as an energy carrier...

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The NPA programme invites regional and project stakeholders to provide feedback on the drafted Priorities of the NPA 2021-2027 during three online...

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NPA Head of Secretariat, Kirsti Mijnhijmer and two NPA COVID-19 response projects participated in the 2021 edition of the Arctic Frontiers, a...

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The Clustering Call for project applications is open from 15th January to 31st March 2021.

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In early 2021 a new Clustering call for projects will offer the possibility to diverisfy and capitalise on project outputs and results.

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The Withdrawal Agreement between the EU and the UK means that projects will be able to continue as planned, under the same arrangements and rules as...

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Pick one or listen them all, these 3 podcasts produced by NPA projects, and 1 about Interreg, will be good infotainment during the winter holiday.

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During the Christmas holiday period, the Joint Secretariat and Managing Authority will not be fully staffed.

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Information about the decisions taken at the 3rd Programme Planning Group held online on 10th December 2020.

At their last meeting, the PPG agreed to...

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