Programme news

The Annual Implementation Report for the year 2019 was approved by the European Commission.

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The Regiostars are Europe’s award to EU-funded projects that demonstrate excellence and new approaches in regional development. BCE is one of five...

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With approximately 30% of the NPA projects completed, it is now possible to look at their work from a different angle, comparing what they achieved to...

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Choose your travel destination among the 9 partner regions of the NPA programme. Open the map and let the people of the north guide you through the...

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With over 100 members in just a month, the NPA COVID-19 Response Group has seen its first project approved and a few more are in the pipeline.

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Information about the decisions taken at the 1st Programme Planning Group held online on 4th June 2020.

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A project dedicated to improving the quality of life for older people, PLACE-EE describes in their last newsletter how amidst the sadness and tough...

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During the summer holiday period, the Joint Secretariat and Managing Authority will not be fully staffed.

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Thanks to all projects that joined the competition! With a significant number of entries submitted to this year’s project awards, the Arctic...

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On 27th May the NPA Joint Secretariat hosted an online question & answer session about the NPA COVID-19 call for projects.

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