Project news

Our partner achieves savings in the region of €14,000 in electricity usage.

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Project partners and stakeholders have met in Derry city to learn more about successful local stories.

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Energy Savings Week, 30th Oct–5th Nov 2017, aims to encourage the reduction of energy use in the home and the workplace.

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Seventeen candidates including the NPA Smartfish-project were nominated for The Atlantic Project Awards 2017.

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ALAV is the only Swedish partner in SECURE and they work in the project together with the municipal housing company Solatum Hus & Hem AB in Sollefteå.

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Project manager Ragnheidur I. Thorarinsdottir from University of Iceland presented the NPA Smartfish project during the Aquaculture Europe 2017...

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The S3 Platform provides advice to EU countries and regions for the design and implementation of their Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3).

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Science and Innovation Day in Sundsvall, Sweden

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The RemoAge project tests and implements several services that include the use of different ICT applications and tools to support vulnerable older...

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Heritage professionals, IT geeks, mathematicians, curators, archivists, technologists, academics, archaeologists and Museum Nord staff gathered at the...

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