Project news

Jose Manuel San Emeterio, Project Manager at ERNACT and IMPROVE’s Project Leader, explains the evolution and achievements of IMPROVE.

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ERNACT, lead partner in the project has implemented 33 transnational cooperation projects across 150 regions

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Kick-off meeting of LECo project was held in Tankar Lighthouse Island in Kokkola, Finland 5-6.9.2017.

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Our partners from Finland have attended the 'Silva forest fair' in Joensuu, showcasing our project for smarter energy communities.

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The SENDoc project partners gathered in Northern Ireland for a project kick-off meeting. A launch event took place at the Seamus Heaney centre where...

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In February 2017, a project started in Norrbotten to develop a work model that enables patients, relatives and healthcare professionals in rural areas...

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The Renewable Energy Index shows that this sector will be able to generate more power with the new wind and solar projects that are being built.

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The University of Iceland, Naturpolis and University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) are three SAINT partners collaborating in a new trans-national...

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The SECURE partners from Canada have leaded a survey to find out more about staffs' energy awareness.

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IMPROVE is reaching its last phase and we have started piloting some of the services in real life.

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