Project news

Five LECo-webinars will be prepared to demonstrate energy efficiency benefits for households.

The webinars will focus on the practical changes that...

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4th H-CHP Partners meeting, in Dublin Ireland, 12th-15th March 2019. The meting is about mapping the future of about houshold-scale renewable energy...

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In this issue of FOBIA newsletter we learn about machine operators' skills survey, have a look at the economic situation of the forestry service...

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Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) hosts the W-Power project second international networking event in Argyll, Scotland. The event takes place at...

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Our online platform is now live! Learn more about energy communities and our project at

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SECURE kick-off meeting was hosted by Karelia UAS in 2016.

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LECO – Local Energy Communities invite you to join our free online webinar! Become energy efficient and save money as you save energy. We want small...

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"Tourism, nature and culture in Greenland – telling and selling a story of many ties"


Nature is interweaved into the Greenlandic society in ways...

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Ecology Action Centre has shared knowledge and 7 of their best energy practices with SECURE European partners.

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