Project news

The second issue of our PLACE-EE newsletter features a project update and a profile of each Community Engagement Officer in each of our demonstrator...

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LECO community event, Hakkas, Sweden, 26th of September 2018

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SENDoc team attended the International conference in Translational MEDicine and healthcare innovation (TMED9) - innovating to Live Well for Longer,...

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LECO study visit solar energy, Jokkmokk, Sweden, 19 september 2018

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The PLACE-EE team have spent the last few days together in sunny Limerick, meeting new members and making exciting progress. Plenty of updates to...

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The main outcome of the project is a smart map, which has kept the website developers at the University of Iceland busy. Rather than aiming to be an...

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Energy Action visited Arranmore Island and Louisburgh Community Futures in September 2018 to promote locals about our project.

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More than half a year ago, Penny-the-puffin started bringing “Cool facts about the Arctic” to the people. Who is Penny? Why is she part of the...

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What is an OVI factor? How to estimate the potential impacts of oil on birds? Environmental Research Institute is studing the environmental impacts of...

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LECO community event, Purkijaur, Sweden, 9th of September 2018

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