Project news

Partners in Northern Ireland are working towards a new energy management system for public buildings

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Electric cars are very efficient and have low operational costs if locally produced renewable energy can be used. Community workshop in cooperation...

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A fruitful event with interesting site visit, hosted by partner Association of Local Authorities in Västernorrland.

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County Council has encouraged a programme of activities to empower citizens to become energy leaders.

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Swedish partners share energy improvements achieved through SECURE in two public elderly homes: Ärebo and Vallänge.

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Tourism researchers Carina Ren (Aalborg University) and Albina Pashkevich (Dalarna University) participated in the International Arctic Forum in St...

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Partner Donegal County Council explains energy efficiency measures developed in 5 Public Services Centres.

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People nowadays is living longer and there is a decreasing childbirth, as a result an increasing aging population is experienced around the world....

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Seabirds are among the most threatened group of bird species, with pollution, especially oil, being a key threat. Following an oil spill, seabirds...

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PLACE-EE participants each received their certificates of completion following the final intergenerational workshop in Limerick.

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