SAVE THE DATE for the Interreg NPA 2023 Annual Event

NORTHERN SKILLS - Navigating the Future NPA will take place on 8th November in Skellefteå, Sweden

In recent years, Northern Europe’s peripheral areas have become attractive regions for larger or smaller green and digital investments.

New opportunities for people and communities have opened up in otherwise sparsely populated regions, and beyond. At the same time, some jobs disappeared while others are not taken up and workers in sectors such as healthcare, digital industries, or technical service are highly demanded. This creates imbalances and challenges for many regions and communities.

The 2023 Interreg NPA annual event will look at how Northern Periphery and Arctic cooperation projects can support reskilling, attracting and retaining the needed workforce.


Tentative Programme

7th November

(Venue to be defined)

Welcome reception hosted by Skellefteå Municipality from 18:30

8th November

Venue: Wood Hotel , Skellefteå
Time: 9:00 -17:00

  • Opening address
    Mr Rickard Carstedt, Regional Development director at Region Västerbotten (tbc)
  • Setting the scene for new input and inspiration

    • Regional economies in change, Prof. Rikard Eriksson, Umeå University 

    • Sami perspective on talent attraction and skills development (speaker tbc)

  • Information about funding opportunities and joint initiatives between Interreg NPA and Aurora
  • Change is happening right here, right now
    Experience and solutions from projects addressing skills, talent attraction and retention, green & just transition. Contributions from Interreg NPA, Aurora and Kolarctic projects
  • The skills of the future, the leaders of today
    A panel session about how to train and include young people, how to support young entrepreneurship and  set the foundation of a just and green future. Contributions from practitioners in the NPA regions

    • Skillnet Ireland (speaker tbc)
    • Ungt Entreprenørskap Norway (speaker tbc)
    • Eysturskulin school, Faroe Islands (speaker tbc)
      networking and project idea pitching session focusing on skills, inclusion and leadership in the context of just and green transition.
    • More speakers are being contacted

  • Parallel session 1: You are welcome to stay!
    Workshop about how to plan, recruit and retain skilled workforce, with a particular focus on the healthcare sector. This workshop is inspired by the recommendations developed by the NPA project Recruit&Retain about health workforce development, attraction, recruitment and retention in rural and remote areas
    Moderator: Niclas Forsling, Centre for Rural Medicine, Region Västerbotten
  • Parallel session 2: Project marketplace
    An interactive session to pitch current projects, and potential project ideas and partners for future collaborations and partnerships.
  • Closing remarks
  • Conference Dinner

9th November

Venue: Skellefteå Science City
Time: 9:00-12:00

Site visit to Skellefteå Science City, a partnership between academia, industry, and the public sector, to create platforms, projects, and clusters that position Skellefteå as an international leader in the fields of energy, AI, E-mobility, gaming, and innovation.

NB. Lead Partners are booked for a full day Lead Partners seminar, taking place at the Wood Hotel.


The Interreg NPA 2023 Annual Event aligns with the European Year of Skills “Boosting competitiveness, participation and talent”. Join us navigating the future NPA!

Registration will open in September at this link.

Go to the event page