Seventh Call Announcement

The Seventh Call for main project applications is open from 1st July to 30th September 2019. This will be the last call for projects launched by the NPA. In addition to a regular call for main projects targeting specific objective 2.2 and Priority 4 (Strand 1), the Monitoring Committee has decided to introduce experimental approaches focusing on capitalisation (Strand 2) and disruptive technologies (Strand 3).

For the Seventh call for main applications, the Monitoring Committee has agreed to three Strands:

  1. Main project target only to Priority Axis 2, Specific Objective 2.2 and Priority Axis 4.
  2. Capitalisation projects: applications under this Strand will have to focus on three alternative experimental approaches (Rollout, Policy Influencer, Transnationalisation) capitalising on the achievements of previously successful NPA projects.
  3. Disruptive technologies projects: projects to explore the practical application of new technologies to existing industries. 

Terms of Reference have been formulated encouraging applicants to address specific actions, target groups, and sectors. The Terms of Reference can be found in the announcement document. Applications to Strand 1 can be submitted as of July 1st, whereas applications to Strand 2 and Strand 3 will go through a two step application procedure, as specified in the Terms of Reference. Guidance for applicants and the Application pack can be found on the Seventh Call webpage.

The Monitoring Committee will decide on Seventh Call applications on 5th December 2019.


In order to support applicants, the Joint Secretariat is organising two webinars focusing on the Seventh call. The first webinar will be held on 4th July at 12:00 Copenhagen time via Facebook live. Please like the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme Facebook page to participate in this event.

How to Apply Seminar

How to Apply Seminar will be organised on 29th August in Umeå at the offices of the Managing Authority. This seminar will offer technical sessions on the application form, budget and partnership.

After the technical sessions, Project Officers will take the opportunity to talk with the project developers on a one-to-one basis.

The seminars will be conducted as a combination of the presentation of factual material and on-line eMS tutorials.

Register here, space is limited to one person per project application and registration closes on August 13th, 2019.

Further information

If you are interested in applying, we recommend that you are in touch with the Regional Contact Point in your region. Alternatively, you can contact Christopher Parker at the Joint Secretariat,