Seventh Call Outcomes

The Seventh Call for Applications closed on 30th September. By the deadline, the Joint Secretariat received 14 applications.

Eligible Applications per Partner Country

Eligible Applications per Strand submission

We received 14 applications by the Seventh Call deadline, of which 13 have been deemed eligible.

The applications were received in all three Strands, as indicated below:

  • 6 in strand 1 - Main project target only to Priority Axis 2, Specific Objective 2.2 and Priority Axis
  • 2 in strand 2 - Capitalisation projects: applications under this Strand focus on three alternative experimental approaches (Rollout, Policy Influencer, Transnationalisation) capitalising on the achievements of previously successful NPA projects.
  • 5 in strand 3- Disruptive technologies projects: projects to explore the practical application of new technologies to existing industries.

An overview of the applications by Lead Partner country and Priority Axis can be found in the picture to the right.

The applications will now enter a technical assessment procedure involving the Joint Secretariat and the Regional Advisory Groups in all 9 programme partner countries.

Eligible project applications will be presented to the Monitoring Committee for a decision on 4th and 5th December 2019.