Seventh Call Project Decisions

The NPA 2014-2020 Monitoring Committee met on 4th December in Copenhagen, Denmark, to decide on the projects applications submitted for the Seventh Call. The Monitoring Committee approved 8 projects out of the 13 applications received.

In total approximately 2,5 million EUR was allocated, bringing the total commitment up to 96%.

The following projects were approved with conditions:

Main Projects in Priortiy 2

  • SCITOUR - Scientific Tourism
  • STORY TAGGING - A digital platform to enhance the market reach of creative SMEs

Main Project in Priority 4

  • COAST - Sustainable Resilient Coasts

Strand 2 - Capitalisation Projects in Priority Axis 2

  • RYE Sustainability Challenge

Strand 3 - Disruptive Techonologies in Priority Axis 1 Innovation

  • DISRUPTAQUA - Disruptive Techonologies in the Arctic Seafood Sector
  • DISTINCT - Disruptive Technologies Transforming NPA Communities
  • IOT TESTBED - Exploring the use of IoT in non-clinical applications in helathcare organisations

Strand 3 - Disruptive technologies in Priority Axis 4 Natural and Cultural Heritge

  • STRATUS - Pushing the Limits of VR in Cultural and Natural Heritage

 For a detailed overview of the 8 approved projects, please see the Seventh Call Approved Projects Overview.

All applicants will receive more detailed information.

At their meeting, the MC also decided that there will not be a new call for main projects during 2020.

A Bridging Preparatory project call targeting INTERREG NPA 2021-2027 themes will be launched in Spring/Summer 2020, exact opening date and Terms of Reference will be announced in due time.