The 2nd Arctic Project Clustering Event

Register now and join the 2nd Arctic Project Clustering Event in Lapland !


Time: 6-7th November 2018

Place: Lappia-Talo, Rovaniemi Finland (Lappia Hall, home of Rovaniemi theatre and Congress Hall)

Address: Jorma Eton tie 8A, Rovaniemi


The Arctic Cooperation Programmes – Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme, Interreg Nord, Interreg Botnia-Atlantica, Kolarctic CBC and Karelia CBC – invite you to the 2nd Arctic Project Clustering Event on the 7th of November in Rovaniemi, Finland.

The aim of the event is to provide specialists and projects with a forum to meet each other, share experiences and find synergies, new partnerships and possibilities for cooperation. There will also be discussion on Post-2020.

During the evening reception on 6th of November, we would like to offer you a possibility to make contacts with other seminar participants of Arctic Smartness Cluster and some key Lapland’s Smart Specialisation stakeholders. Arctic Smartness is a concept which implements the Lapland’s Smart Specialisation Programme through modern cluster activities.

Please find below under related files the Event Program and more information (invitation pdf -download)

Please make your registration to the event through this link by 22.10.2018:  Registration LINK

We kindly ask you to provide the following information:

  1.  Confirm your participation in the Evening Reception 6.11.2018
  2.  Confirm your participation in the Clustering Event 7.11.2018
  3.  Inform if you have special dietary
  4.  The area of your interest for arctic co-operation (for networking session)


With kindest regards,

The Arctic Cooperation Programmes