The 2nd Call for projects is now closed!

Thank you for submitting your project proposal to the Interreg NPA 2021-2027!

All submitted applications will undergo a selection process. This will take approximately 10 weeks, at the end of which the Monitoring Committee (MC) will decide on the proposals approved for funding. It is expected that the MC will meet and decide on the successful projects on 22nd March 2023. Successful partnerships are expected to be ready to start their projects’ activities within 3 months from approval.

Selection process

The first stage of the assessment is an admissibility check, normally within the first two weeks. If the application is deemed to be incomplete, the Joint Secretariat will allow the Lead Partner applicant to complete the application. Should this not be possible, the application will be deemed inadmissible.

Project applications will then be checked against the eligibility criteria to ensure that they fulfil the technical requirements of the Programme. Details on the eligibility criteria can be found in chapter 3 of the programme Manual. An application could be deemed ineligible at this stage if it does not meet the eligibility criteria.

Eligible applications will then undergo a quality assessment, looking among other things at the fit of the project with the specific objective, a coherent and logical setup, a budget that presents value-for-money, and a suitable partnership.

Regional Advisory Groups (RAG) from all participating countries will conduct an appraisal of the application, considering the project idea, and the application in general from a regional perspective, potential synergies with other funded projects, as well as the suitability of the partnership.

Based on this assessment process, the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg 2021-2027 programme will decide on the proposals approved for funding, at their meeting on 22nd March 2023.

Upcoming calls for projects

Below an indicative schedule of the call openings in 2023. All dates are indicative and subject to approval by the Monitoring Committee on 22nd March 2023. 

  • The 2nd Preparatory projects call will run from mid-February to mid-March 2023, with expected decision in mid-May 2023.
  • The 3rd call for project proposals (all priorities) will run from mid-April to end of May, with expected decision in September 2023.