The eMS is now open for 7th call Strand 2 and 3 project applications

Project applicants willing to submit a project proposal in the 7th call addressing the Strand 2 "Capitalisation projects" and Strand 3 "Disruptive technologies" are now able to complete an application in eMS.

When submitting a project application via eMS the applicant is required to select the correct call number to create its project application.

Since the current 7th call is divided in 3 strands, each strand has its own application set in eMS. Main project applicants,  strand 1, could create their project application already from 1st July, but strand 2 and 3 required some adjustments to be made to the application template in order to reflect the specific requirement of this type of projects.

In order to support Applicants, the Secretariat has published eMS instruction guidances for each strand. Please make sure to submit your application to the correct strand and to follow the correct user instructions, which are available on the 7th call announcement page.


Project development support

The Secretariat held two webinars sharing helpful information about the 7th call. The videos of both webinars can be viewed here and here.

A How to Apply seminar is scheduled on 29th August 2019 in Umeå, the registration closes today.


Important deadlines

The submission deadline remains valid for all strands on 30th September 2019.

The Monitoring Committee will decide on Seventh Call applications on 5th December 2019.