Third Call for Applications Launched!

The Third Call for main project applications was launched today at the NPA Annual Conference 2015 in Kuopio, Finland. The call is open from 30th September to 30th November 2015, for Priority Axes 3 and 4 only. Project decisions will be made by the Monitoring Committee on 24th February 2016.

Details about the call can be found in the Third Call Announcement, which applicants must read carefully.

Starting with the Third Call, applications must be submitted through an electronic monitoring system (eMS), which is available on the link below. The application pack with all necessary supporting documents can be found on the Third Call page and in eMS. 

Note: due to final testing, the eMS system is expected to be open for applications from the first week of October. Please keep an eye on this website.

If you are interested in applying, we recommend that you get in touch with the Regional Contact Point in your area. Alternatively, you can contact Christopher Parker at the Joint Secretariat, tel. +45 3283 3782, e-mail: christopher.parker{at}