Third Call Pre-Announcement

The Third Call for main project applications will be open from 30th September to 30th November 2015. The call is open for priority axes 3 and 4 only. A How to Apply Seminar will be organised on 20th October in Copenhagen.

Details about the call can be found in the Third Call Announcement, which applicants must read carefully. Project decisions will be made by the Monitoring Committee on 23rd February 2016.

It is expected that applications will be submitted through an electronic monitoring system (eMS), which will be launched close to the opening of the call. The application pack will be made available in eMS. 

If you are interested in applying, we recommend that you get in touch with the Regional Contact Point in your area. Alternatively, you can contact Christopher Parker at the Joint Secretariat, tel. +45 3283 3782, e-mail: christopher.parker{at}

How to Apply Seminar
A How to Apply Seminar will be held on 20th October 2015 in Copenhagen. This seminar will offer technical sessions regarding the main project application form, budget and partnership for potential project applicants. The seminar will be hosted at the NPA 2014-2020 Joint Secretariat offices in Copenhagen. Space is limited to one person per project application proposal. More information can be found in the events section.

Special note about the Fourth Call
Currently, the 4th Call is planned to run from January-April 2016 and is expected to be open for all priority axes. However, the NPA Monitoring Committee will decide on the exact dates and the focus of the call in December 2015. This will be communicated on the NPA 2014-2020 website and through Regional Contact Point network.