Time to meet the NPA in person, again!

The NPA Programme is looking forward to welcoming current and future NPA project partners at the NPA in-person! event in Copenhagen on 19th May.

NPA in-person programme

NPA in-person! event in Copenhagen on 19th May 2022

The event will introduce the new Interreg NPA 2021-2027 programme and the recently opened First Call for main projects. The NPA Clustering projects will share how, building on each other’s achievements, outputs, and results, they were able to diversify and reach wider audience. Carrying-on, Mr Nebojsa Nikolic from Interact will explain which tools and resources are available to applicants and how to build on other projects´ achievements.

In the afternoon, the NPA Festival will open the floor for the participants to pitch their project ideas and to learn about other organisations´ skills, expertise, interests, and ideas for future NPA projects. Have you registered your project pitch (and yourself) already? Remember to do it no later than 10th May 2022.

Mr Christian Kjeldsen will join remotely from Greenland to share with us the feedback on the Largest Business Conference in Greenland – The Future Greenland 2022 and the steps recommended for developing more thriving businesses and entrepreneurship possibilities in Greenland.

For those who would like to discuss their project idea with the Desk Officer, it is recommended to book a time slot in the registration form.

Register now!