What happens when three Interreg projects working on Hydrogen collide?

No nuclear reactions, but a new and more impactful Hydrogen Triple Alliance to increase awareness about the benefits of Hydrogen as an energy carrier and zero-emissions fuel.

Hydrogen Triple Alliance
Project logos

Several European projects have been developed aiming to increase the awareness of hydrogen in the European communities. However, many obstacles are hindering the full integration of these technologies.

One of the main barriers to overcome is how to connect stakeholders, end- users, policymakers, and communities interested in hydrogen technologies. Therefore, three Interreg funded projects decided to join forces!

GENCOMM, SEAFUEL, and HUGE projects formed the Hydrogen Triple Alliance aiming to secure wider reach, extend to other communities, and combine data from these green hydrogen projects.

The alliance will integrate their resources to enlarge the Community Hydrogen Forum (CH2F), share expertise and amplify the different resources developed in the projects, and more importantly, deliver enhanced benefits for the European communities.


How Can Renewables Sustain Resilient Communities?

The projects are launching a new webinar to introduce the alliance and discuss green hydrogen issues.

Mobility is essential for the development of any community. It is the lifeblood of economic and social activity, enabling people to access goods, services, information, and employment. Mobility for communities is essential for sustainability. Energy security is also essential for the survival of an island community. Security of energy includes the provision of available, affordable, reliable and environmentally balanced energy supply that is properly governed and socially acceptable.

In this webinar, Hydrogen Triple Alliance will examine how energy equity is a constant challenge for communities, especially in addressing mobility and how these challenges can be addressed through the use of green hydrogen as an energy vector.

18th February 2021 at 10:00 GMT/11:00 CET
How Can Renewables Sustain Resilient Communities?
Utilising hydrogen to increase coastal sustainability

Check out the Agenda and don’t forget to register