Youth in the NPA – Make your voice heard!

Giving young people more responsibility is giving them a choice about their future.

Youth energy and enthusiasm were felt throughout the day!

Five young speakers shared visions for their home regions

Working together to solve youth-related issues in the NPA areas

On 9th November, participants from across Norway, Ireland, Finland, Greenland, Sweden, Iceland, and Faroe Islands met in Bodø, in Northern Norway, at the YOUTH IN THE NPA Conference

What immediately caught the eye was that nearly half of the participants were below 35 years old! They came to share their ideas how remote places can become more attractive for future generations, and voice how they wish to be included in co-creating a greener, more digital, and inclusive future.

The energy, enthusiasm, positiveness, curiosity, and openness that young people brought with them were felt throughout the day.

At YOUTH IN THE NPA, participants listened to young people´s wishes and visions for their home regions. Young people exchanged ideas and recommendations, how to start youth groups and councils in view of making their voices heard locally by the decision-makers. When asked, what youth-related issues are present in the NPA regions and how to solve them, participants engaged in groups and came up with solutions, such as how to involve young people in NPA projects, or in the NPA Monitoring Committee, how to improve accessibility and local decision making, how to connect young people across the NPA to find solutions for how to make the area attractive for young people, and how to use gaming as a method. A more detailed description of the event can be found here, and the video recordings can be seen here.

The Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme is very grateful to all speakers and participants for the inspiring and insightful exchanges.

We hope this event sparked not only new project ideas, but also new ways of working that will make cooperation in the NPA younger and the voice of young people heard. On its side, the Interreg NPA will explore how to follow-up on the suggestions received within the scope of the Programme. Meanwhile, consider the opportunity to apply to the 2nd Call with a project focusing on youth engagement in cooperation.

Foto: Håvard Rødsand