Youth representatives join the Interreg NPA Monitoring Committee!

The European Year of Youth 2022 placed young people in the spotlight and promoted several platforms and events for young people to share their voices, exchange ideas, and co-create better opportunities for the future.

Check out the Youth Manifesto!

The Nordic Youth Council (UNR)

The Arctic Youth Network (AYN)

The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg NPA programme, inspired by the European Year of Youth, Youth Manifesto, and the recommendation of European Commission, decided to include youth-representing organisations as permanent observers. On its meeting in Luleå, Sweden, in March 2023, the Monitoring Committee approved the Nordic Youth Council and the Arctic Youth Network to join as observers. With this status, both organisations will have the opportunity to represent youth´ interests, maker their voices heard in a transnational forum, and contribute to making the Interreg NPA area resilient, inclusive, and an even more attractive place to live.

Who are the new observers?

Two transnational youth organisations were selected and agreed to join the Interreg NPA Monitoring Committee as observers:

The Nordic Youth Council (UNR) is a forum for political youth groups in the Nordic countries. Young people can exchange ideas and visions and highlight their wishes on the agenda of the Nordic Council. UNR is integrated in the decision-making of the Nordic Council and a regular speaker at its annual sessions.

The Arctic Youth Network (AYN) is a youth-founded and youth-led organisation that connects young people around the Arctic and the world. It provides them with the tools, experience, and contacts they need to create change locally and transnationally. Through its 3 working groups targeting Oceans, Wellbeing, and Climate Change, they are shaping how the North looks now, and in the future.

On the same meeting, the Monitoring Committee also approved the following observer organisations, representing former NPA programme partner countries or neighbouring regions:

  • Government of Canada – Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
  • Nordic Atlantic Cooperation – NORA
  • Scottish Government
  • Northern Ireland Assembly

A warm welcome to the new members of our Monitoring Committee and looking forward to seeing you all at the upcoming meeting in September in Copenhagen!