On this page you can find:

  • Information about Cookies
  • How we treat your Personal Data
  • Use of materials and copyright


Download Interreg NPA 2021-2027 Jems Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


Information about Cookies

On the Interreg NPA website we use cookies to optimise the website’s offerings and to improve the pages continuously.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the visitor's computer and that can be used to follow what the visitor does on the website. Some cookies on are necessary for the website to work as well as possible. These are automatically saved on your computer when you visit the website.

We use cookies to save your choice for the next time you visit the website and for visitor analysis.

Google Analytics

The Interreg NPA website uses Google Analytics to get an idea of how you as a visitor use the website. 

No personal information, such as email or name, is stored about you as a visitor.

Google Maps

To allow you use the Map of results  we use content or service offered from Google maps. Google maps can only provide content, i.e. send it to your browser, if they recognize your IP address. Further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and its processing by Google can be found in the data protection declarations of Google Maps. There you will also find information about your rights and setting options to protect your privacy, in particular about options for objection.


To allow you view embedded videos via YouTube we use content or service offered from YouTube. YouTube can only provide content, i.e. send it to your browser, if they recognize your IP address. Further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and its processing by YouTube can be found in the data protection declarations of YouTube.


Turn off cookies

If you do not accept the use of cookies, you can turn off cookies in your browser's security settings. You can also set the browser so that you get a question every time the website tries to place a cookie on your computer. Previously stored cookies can also be deleted through the browser. For more information on this, see your browser's help pages. If you turn off cookies, it may be that certain functions on the website do not work as intended.

The Swedish Post and Telecom Agency, which is the supervisory authority in the area, provides further information about cookies on its website. The Swedish Post and Telecom Agency's website.



Information how we handle Personal Data

In all EU countries, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies. The regulation strengthens the protection of your personal data and your right to know what they are used for and how they are processed by us at the Interreg NPA, but also at other organizations and companies.

The Northern Periphery and Arctic programme is managed by the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten, Sweden, and the authority may need to collect, receive or otherwise process your personal information when engaging with the NPA programme.

The NPA programme may need to collect, receive, or otherwise process your personal data. A personal data is all kinds of information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a natural person who is alive. All types of handling that can be done with personal data, such as storing, deleting, spreading and copying, is a processing of personal data.

If you have applied for funds from the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme, this means that you have an errand at the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten and we will need to process your personal information. The same applies for example if you attend a conference we organize or if you post, film or photo to our social channels, websites and more, we will process your personal data.


Processing of personal data shall have legal basis

All processing of personal data must be legitimate. The following European regulations mandate the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme to collect personal data in its electronic monitoring system eMS: - Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 480/2014, Article 24(2) - Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1011/2014, Article 9(3)(f) .

The County Administrative Boards are jointly responsible All 21 County Administrative Boards in Sweden have a common IT organization. Therefore, the County Administrative Boards are jointly responsible for data protection in relation to the new data protection regulation, GDPR.

The legislation requires a structure which makes it clear to the registrant how responsibility is distributed between county administrative boards and other authorities. That is, who is responsible for processing your personal information legally, safely and correctly.


County Council Data Protection Officer

The Swedish County Administrative Boards have chosen to have a common organization (called NOD) for data protection and GDPR. A requirement in the regulation is that authorities appoint a Data Protection Officer and notify it to the Swedish Data Protection Agency. The County Administrative Boards have two data protection officers and their role is to monitor compliance with the regulation, provide advice and support, assist you as a registered person, and be the contact person of the Swedish Data Protection Agency. For more information (in Swedish) about how the County Administrative Boards handle personal data, please visit:

If you have any questions or concerns about how the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme/County Administrative Board of Västerbotten is processing your personal information, please contact Programme Director at the County Administrative Board, Ms Annika Blomster, email: Annika.blomster{at} She will be able to pass your questions or concerns on to the Data Protection Officer.


Use of materials, copyright

The Interreg NPA website contain texts, maps, images and illustrations that are protected by copyright and may not be used without permission. The same applies to our logos.