Funded Projects 2014-2020

Project e-Lighthouse

Project Acronym e-Lighthouse
Project Title Energy Saving Lighthouse Cities in the NPA region
Project subsite


Project actions will support increased energy efficiency in buildings (40% of EU energy consumption) and increase the uptake of renewable energy, thus decreasing carbon dioxide emissions. Our goal is to support and follow-up the retrofit of more than 250 public buildings. In the private sector with the consultation of building supervisory authorities, the project aims to influence the decision makers (of energy efficiency) of 2500 domestic retrofits and 2000 new residential houses. Improved local and regional monitoring methodologies and practices would greatly enhance the effectiveness. The e-Lighthouse project will tackle this problem by providing guidelines and tools to reliably and efficiently calculate those important figures annually.  By showing good examples of good codes-of-conduct  such as municipality citizenship, e-Lighthouse partners will encourage other local and regional organizations to sign the new joint Covenant of Mayors, to commit to energy saving at the political decision-making level.


The project objectives are to: Increase energy savings in municipal buildings as well as old and new domestic buildings.



Reduced energy consumption:

Energy savings were achieved through retrofitting of public and private houses. In Greenland, building owners were advised how to optimize their heating systems and new knowledge about energy efficient buildings and modern ventilation systems were shared with local engineering consultants.

Time saving:

The City of Oulu has introduced a housing company permit, which shortened the building permission processes and allows the companies to renovate bathrooms quicker.

Lead Partner


Project Info

Renewable energy, eco products
3 Renewables and Energy Efficiency
3 Increased use of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions
Project duration
25-04-16 to 24-04-19
Total budget
1 995 485 EUR
NPA co-financing
1 288 606 EUR
Target groups
local public authority
regional public authority
sectoral agency
enterprise, including SME
Joint Secretariat Desk Officer
Christopher Parker