Funded Projects 2014-2020

Project OPTION

Project Acronym OPTION
Project Title Opportunities for biorefining of biowastes


OPTION project in a main project will demonstrate opportunities a newly-developed  biorefinery mobile pilot plant with a multinational team at sites.The biorefinery operations model and technology that will be tested, refined, and optimised for each location, climatic condition and waste types. The Biorefinery pilot plant will be transported to each NPA partner region, typically for three to six months at each testing site.

The proposed transnational and multidisciplinary approach will enhance and act to transfer of best practice between regions. Relevant biowastes and biomasses will be utilised in practical cases in the partner regions, and technology companies, producers of waste materials, and local authorities and other stakeholders will be involved in practical cases.


The objective of the preparatory project is to develop a high quality main project application.

Lead Partner


Project Info

Environmental protection, climate change, pollution (soil, water, air), waste management
1 Innovation
1.1 Increased innovation and transfer of R&D
Project duration
06-03-16 to 29-11-16
Total budget
44 879 EUR
NPA co-financing
28 424 EUR
Target groups
enterprise, including SME
local public authority
regional public authority
national public authority
higher education and research
interest groups including NGOs
General public
education/training centre and school
Joint Secretariat Desk Officer
Christopher Parker