Funded Projects 2014-2020

Project AINNPA

Project Acronym AINNPA
Project Title Aquaculture Innovation Network for Northern Periphery and Arctic


Remotely located SMEs are key to the aquaculture industry across the NPA territory. Sustainable growth of the sector requires innovative new products and services, yet SMEs experience variable and constraining access to innovation services. AINNPA helps to resolve this by developing and transfering well targeted transnational solutions for innovation to aquaculture-facing SMEs and opens new markets for innovative SMEs not yet engaged with the aquaculture sector.

The main outputs from AINNPA are an integrated network of aquaculture innovation services across the participating regions; SME-led prioritisation of regionally relevant aquaculture innovation topics; and new innovative aquaculture products and services.

AINNPA activates new transnational working by remote SMEs engaged with the aquaculture supply chain, a shared model for delivering innovation services to those SMEs, and combined R&D effort to develop new aquaculture products and services with international markets.


The objective of the preparatory project is to develop a high quality main project application.

Lead Partner


Project Info

1 Innovation
1.2 Increased innovation in public service provision
Project duration
31-01-17 to 30-07-17
Total budget
44 622 EUR
NPA co-financing
26 144 EUR
Target groups
enterprise, including SME
Joint Secretariat Desk Officer
Christopher Parker