Funded Projects 2014-2020

Project CINE

Project Acronym CINE
Project Title Connected Culture and Natural Heritage in the Northern Environment
Project subsite


Connected Culture and Natural Heritage in the Northern Environment (CINE) embraces the concept of Museum Without Walls - an outward facing museum that takes an active role in challenging perceptions, in fostering social change and in providing access and information to diverse audiences, using new technologies to step beyond the traditional museum context.

The main project output is the development of a multi-functional, digital interpretation and data-management toolkit to create new, unique on-site and off-site customer experiences in specific locations in the northern environment. Innovation will be used to enhance capacities and preparedness of local and regional communities, by raising awareness of natural and cultural heritage sites. The aim is to protect, promote and develop sites that are at risk due to a changing climate, or those we consider of particular significance for future generations.


1. To protect, develop and promote the natural and cultural heritage.

Through the process of co-production CINE will engage communities to become participants within heritage management & valorization process, exploring concepts and methods which enable them to actively record, discover, investigate and create credible data.

2. To improve accessibility to valuable heritage information.

CINE aims to develop user-friendly data management system so information can be easily reached and used to benefit the remote areas where they came from. This will raise awareness of the heritage to local populations and help with sustainable management.

3. To strengthen the identity of remote areas by knowledge transfer.

CINE will broaden capacity for sustainable creation of cultural heritage content through training and a platform for real-time communication that can be used in education and tourism to give people remote access.



Improved access to services:

CINE has explored the concept of Museums Without Walls. Today, digital means are not only an add-on, they are an integral part of many cultural institutions. CINE has visualised 5 historical sites, developed heritage mapping techniques, apps, and games for the public to better imagine how the past looked like. The ClimSim demo illustrates how the global warming will affect heritage sites and landscapes in the future. Cine Wayfinder is the main access point to all the tools and guidelines that CINE developed.



Building institutional capacity:

The project has showcased how museums can use digital tools and outdoor apps to empower communities to look after the heritage better and promote sustainable environmental management. The University of Iceland started offering a new course on Gamification and Cultural Heritage taugh by Gunnarsstofnun.


Improving social cohesion:

One of the key aspects of the CINE project was to empower communities to look after their cultural heritage by involving them in for example documenting the historical site, or collecting pictures and documents from peoples´ private archives to create a virtual exhibition. As part of the advanced mapping, the CINE developed a Muninn app, in which people can locate the cultural remains and help to develop a cultural heritage database. CINE captured the learnings from working with communities in the Co-production Guide, and in one of the CINE TALKS.


Lead Partner


Project Info

Tourism, recreation, cultural heritage, languages
4 Natural and Cultural Heritage
4 Increased capacity for sustainable environmental management
Project duration
31-08-17 to 30-08-20
Total budget
1 997 350 EUR
NPA co-financing
1 135 413 EUR
Target groups
enterprise, including SME
education/training centre and school
higher education and research
national public authority
General public
local public authority
regional public authority
interest groups including NGOs
infrastructure and (public) service provider
business support organisation
Joint Secretariat Desk Officer
Rachel Burn