Funded Projects 2014-2020

Project SMARTrenew

Project Acronym SMARTrenew
Project Title Smarter renewable energy and heating Management for Arctic and northern Rural Territories
Project subsite


The aim of SMARTrenew is to transfer renewable energy and smart storage solutions to dispersed regions of the NPA. Transnational knowledge transfer will be demand led, supported by the quadruple helix approach (academia, business, public authority, citizens), and impact will be maximised by focusing on implementation and smart energy awareness building in communities.

Common territorial challenges to be addressed by SMARTrenew include the high cost of fossil fuel dominated energy and heat supplies, remoteness, low population density, cold climate and low uptake in smart renewable technology resulting in energy poverty and lack of energy security combined with poor grid infrastructure in remote areas.

SMART serves 6 NPA regions – with varying levels of renewable maturity – including Arctic, Northern, Atlantic, and Islands. The partnership comprises 7 organisations including academic, research, local authority, SME, and national energy organisations, all with complementary skills and experience in delivering renewable solutions.

To address the challenges the project will deliver transnational knowledge and expertise from the partner regions into each of these communities, to increase awareness, and implement solutions with an innovative renewable mix combined with smart energy storage. The main results will be: (i) greater awareness in communities and local authorities; (ii) renewable energy implementations that will show that local energy poverty can be decreased, and energy security increased. The project outputs will be: 6 “showcase” Smarter Energy Rural Communities”, 18 houses and public buildings retrofitted with smart renewable energy/storage solutions, 1 smart storage services and 1 renewable services.

Key to the project sustainability and growth beyond the project duration will be promotion of stakeholder ownership in these innovations including enhancing local and national policy-makers capacity to effect change.


Deliver transnational sharing of knowledge and technical know-how of renewable systems across northern periphery territories

A Directory of services and technical know-how of renewable systems developed by all the partners of the six regions. Allowing the transfer of energy solutions between partner regions increasing energy capacity in dispersed communities of the NPA.

Expand the renewable energy mix available to residential and public buildings in dispersed and remote communities of the northern periphery area.

New renewable energy solutions will be showcased in dispersed communities addressing energy poverty and reliance on expensive fossil fuels. through pilot implementation based on transferred knowledge from partner regions

Integrate smart management of energy and heat storage for renewable systems in dispersed communities.

Energy efficiency will be increased in dispersed communities by implementing smart energy and heat storage management to ensure reduced energy waste in emerging renewable energy solutions for residences and public buildings.



Reduced energy consumption:

Regions across the northern peripheries vary in their levels of renewable energy maturity, knowledge, competences, storage solutions, and climatic environments. The SMARTRenew project gathered 6 partners with different solutions to the same problem: how to use renewable energy sources smarter and learn about energy storage solutions. Among the solutions, the retrofitted 2 public buildings in Donegal County Council (Ireland) with heat pumps, solar away and cavity insulation. These measures together had a combined impact of CO2 emission reduction of more than 50%, and a reduction in energy of over 40%, saving over 200,000 kWh. From the success of SMARTrenew’s pilot, Donegal County Council adopted this policy for their other public buildings across the county.


Lead Partner


Project Info

Renewable energy, eco products
3 Renewables and Energy Efficiency
3 Increased use of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions
Project duration
30-09-18 to 29-09-21
Total budget
1 644 339 EUR
NPA co-financing
991 400 EUR
Target groups
local public authority
regional public authority
higher education and research
enterprise, including SME
business support organisation
General public
national public authority
sectoral agency
Joint Secretariat Desk Officer
Kirsti Mijnhijmer