Funded Projects 2014-2020

Project DisruptAqua

Project Acronym DisruptAqua
Project Title Disruptive Technologies in the Arctic Seafood Sector
Project subsite


DisruptAqua aims to evaluate which specific ICT technologies (specifically blockchain, IoT, AI) are most suitable and applicable for Artic seafood businesses by articulating the benefits and costs; and understanding the route to practical application.  The project will develop the research already undertaken by partners to inform how new solutions could be used by businesses to add-value to their products and ensure sustainable production.

The overarching objective is to identify and develop a model that ensures full blockchain traceability of high value seafood products through the supply chain from primary producer to consumer, ensuring value associated to provenance, environmental stewardship, quality and trust is maintained, particularly by SMEs in remote and sparsely populated areas.


To use existing research and knowledge to evaluate blockchain-based systems for the food supply chain to create and defend market shares and to sustainably add value to the sector and businesses.

To outline a business model that is achievable and appropriate for seafood businesses in the partner regions.

To showcase in an international conference our findings as a partnership and encourage other businesses in the NPA to adopt the technology.



Raising awareness:

DISRUPTAQUA explored the potential application of blockchain-based traceability systems in seafood production, and through the concrete examples demonstrated to the SMEs how disruptive technologies can increase the quality of their products.

More than 30 SMEs engaged in the focused workshops which cleared up some common misconceptions regarding the Blockchain applications and opened the discussion regarding the traceability and information flow challenges. The project also recorded a Webinar about the use of technology in the Arctic Seafood Sector.


Lead Partner


Project Info

Agriculture, food safety, biotechnology, consumption
1 Innovation
1.1 Increased innovation and transfer of R&D
Project duration
30-04-20 to 30-10-21
Total budget
155 004 EUR
NPA co-financing
85 000 EUR
Target groups
enterprise, including SME
sectoral agency
business support organisation
infrastructure and (public) service provider
higher education and research
education/training centre and school
Joint Secretariat Desk Officer
Kalle Pakalèn