Funded Projects 2014-2020

Project RYE SC

Project Acronym RYE SC
Project Title RYE Sustainability Challenge
Project subsite


Rye Sustainability Challenge  (Rural Youth Entrepreneurship)
Sustainable business ideas competition for facilitating young entrepreneurs and innovators of the northern periphery and arctic.

The Rye Sustainability Challenge aims to join together young innovators and entrepreneurs through a transnational ideas competition, and facilitate processes in which they can develop sustainable solutions for their local communities and economies.
The project goal is to challenge participants to find concrete, sustainable and economically viable business ideas that at the same time, create regional prosperity through entrepreneurship.
This will be achieved by arranging a number of the Rye Sustainability challenge competitions (6), which was a successful concept created in the previous Rye Connect -project funded by the NPA, and by capitalising on its key results and promoting the chosen approach to a broader public.


Joining together young innovators and entrepreneurs through transnational business ideas competition promoting sustainable development goals (UN SDG 2030) as an integrated part of new thinking, business development and the development of NPA communities.

Building international cooperation and partnerships for climate issues and exploring place-based opportunities.
Teams will receive support from business developers, researchers and mentors to create feasible initiatives.



Business development:

The sustainability challenge concept helped young people living in the NPA to address sustainability issues in their region through supporting them to create innovative business ideas and services. 30 sustainable business plans were developed.



Raising awareness:

RYE SC collaborated closely with young people in remote areas via workshops and interactive events. 10 RYE Sustainability Challenge events were organized in 4 regions and attended by 222 participants. Awareness of the principles of sustainable development has increased among young people, and citizens' general awareness and support for this agenda has strengthened.


Changing attitude and behaviour:

An increase in awareness towards sustainable development and modification of attitudes was clearly felt and experienced during the arranged activities. From a business perspective, it was remarkable that sustainable solutions combined with business ideas are not only leading to new product and service concepts, but they also make sense from a business point of view.


Lead Partner


Project Info

Business development, trade, marketing
2 Entrepreneurship
2.1 Improved support systems for SMEs
Project duration
31-03-20 to 30-09-22
Total budget
99 430 EUR
NPA co-financing
64 630 EUR
Target groups
infrastructure and (public) service provider
interest groups including NGOs
higher education and research
education/training centre and school
enterprise, including SME
business support organisation
Joint Secretariat Desk Officer
Rachel Burn