Funded Projects 2014-2020

Project PHIVE

Project Acronym PHIVE
Project Title Promoting Heritage In Virtual Environments
Project subsite


Heritage plays an important role in social, educational and economics of aspects. Accelerated by COVID 19 impact we have seen digital representations of heritage become increasingly important both for its preservation and promotion.

As commodity computers and phones have become both more accessible and more powerful, the digital literacies that accompany them have become ubiquitous.

PHIVE seeks to cluster together 2 main NPA, 1 NPA COVID-response, 1 NSR and 1 Horizon 2020.

  • The CINE project brought together heritage organisations, digital enterprises and knowledge organisations to develop interactive maps, galleries, reconstructions and archives.
  • The ongoing STRATUS project is pushing the boundaries of Virtual Reality, creating linked virtual reality tours, and collective experiences.
  • The CUPIDO project will disseminate across the North Sea Region, and will provide Workshop and VR materials for development.
  • TechSolns COVID-response technology project.

In PHIVE we will develop a synthesis of these EU projects bringing together:

  1. Virtual Centre of Excellence for using Virtual and Augmented reality to promote and preserve heritage post-COVID; includingonline live workshops, with accompanying learning materials and virtual tours; to disseminate how we create exemplar virtual reality content for collaborative environments.
  2. Virtual Time Travel demonstration will provide a framework for live exploration of the past. This will bring together work on Downpatrick site in the STRATUS project and digi-tourist framework in the CINE project.
  3. Exhibition System based on the International Image interoperability Framework enabling exploration of maps, timelines, virtual tours, objects, and landscapes.

The centre for excellence, virtual time travel and gallery will be housed inside a Virtual Museum framework which will be
available throughout the NPA region and will connect with Europeana and Zenodo.


Northern Network for Promotion and Preservation of Heritage (NP2H)

Participants in the CINE, Stratus and CUPIDO; SMEs, museums, community organisations, sectoral organisations and local authorities will form a network, to increase awareness and transnational cooperation in digital preservation and promotion of heritage.

Promoting digital infrastructure for live and virtual engagement with heritage

PHIVE will support virtual reality, digital galleries and virtual tours and help stakeholders to work with digital representations of heritage. This will maximise the impact for local users of outputs from CSC and prepare transnational connections.

Building capacity in digital heritage, co production and gamification through workshops, toolkits and best practice.

We will collaborate together to promote and disseminate toolkits and understanding through workshops, conferences and publications with the aim of developing the capacity for wotking with digital technologies to promote and preserve heritage.


Lead Partner


Project Info

Tourism, recreation, cultural heritage, languages
4 Natural and Cultural Heritage
4 Increased capacity for sustainable environmental management
Project duration
01-07-21 to 30-06-22
Total budget
213 275 EUR
NPA co-financing
132 630 EUR
Target groups
local public authority
regional public authority
higher education and research
business support organisation
General public
sectoral agency
enterprise, including SME
education/training centre and school
national public authority
Joint Secretariat Desk Officer
Kalle Pakalèn