Funded Projects 2014-2020

Project Hybes

Project Acronym Hybes
Project Title Hybrid energy solution for buildings, transportation, mobility, and infrastructure


How urban and rural areas in the northern periphery and arctic can implement more energy efficient solutions to obtain substantial reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, is the focus of this project: “Hybrid energy solutionS for buildings, transportation, mobility, and infrastructure (Hybes)”. We need to rethink and develop energy efficient solutions and combine different renewable energy carriers for buildings and transportation.

To reach the EU goal to make buildings energy- and CO2-neutral it is important to take into use and combine different energy technologies. To build in this flexibility and capacity will make the energy infrastructure less vulnerable and reduce future infrastructure cost substantial. A key objective of this proposal is to provide a future project proposal which will facilitate the delivery of pilot decarbonisation zones (DZ’s) in urban and rural settlements across the NPA region. These DZ’s will combine differing techniques in delivering CO2 neutrality.To build capacity is also essential to make transportation and mobility sustainable and to promote the transformation of transportation towards using electricity and hydrogen for transportation.


The objective of the preparatory project is to develop a high quality main project application.

Lead Partner


Project Info

Renewable energy, eco products
3 Renewables and Energy Efficiency
3 Increased use of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions
Project duration
01-01-22 to 30-06-22
Total budget
100 000 EUR
NPA co-financing
59 599 EUR
Target groups
local public authority
regional public authority
national public authority
sectoral agency
infrastructure and (public) service provider
interest groups including NGOs
higher education and research
education/training centre and school
enterprise, including SME
business support organisation
General public
Joint Secretariat Desk Officer
Kalle Pakalèn