Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
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Drifting Apart helped to develop new exhibitions and facilities at the Coastal Zone Centre and promoted transnational and local geo heritage through the GeoVR. Training courses were organized for primary/secondary school teachers and local tour guides to inform them about new GeoVR possibilities. After the courses, tour guides felt more knowledgeable and confident in giving the tours and teachers were highly interested in using the geoVR to teach children about geology and geography. Free community workshops were also organized for locals to discover the geology in the area and remind the ancient connections with other continents.

Richard Connor
Causeway Seafishing CompanyThe information sessions were great. Visitors always want to know about the coastline and it’s great when I can talk about the geology confidently and link to other places like Scotland or the volcanoes in Iceland. I direct passengers to the Coastal Zone visitor centre close-by to use the GeoVR. There's a lot of interest in geology tours and I'm glad I know more now so I can provide them. I’m interested in finding out about the area becoming a Geopark too.