Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects

Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.

Browse the NPA map of results to discover our stories of cooperation. Pick a dot from the map and scroll down to read  about people who have met similar minded colleagues and together found solutions for their shared challenges.

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Heat from wood chips

More efficient district heating

RECENT enabled the Jokkmokk municipality to work locally on sustainable energy solutions on a community level. Thanks to the project, the municipality run several feasibility studies and was able to improve its efficiency in biomass-based district heating and cooling performance resulting in decreased fuel demand and reduced pipeline loses. All of these findings and municipality´s experience are available in the Virtual Learning Campus as part of the pilot projects.


Silva Herrman

Jokkmokk municipality

We have things in common with other regions in Europe´s Northern Periphery, e.g. remote regions, depopulation and/or sparsely populated areas. On the other hand, community work as a concept is much more developed in the UK and Ireland. So here in Sweden we can learn from other regions, while our British and Irish partner could learn from us regarding district heating and heat pumps.