Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
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How spent grain from breweries can become part of a meal or make up
Baking bread from breweries´ waste products
In Finland, the SYMBIOMA project tested whether spent grain from breweries could be used in food industry and cosmetics. Proteins and other residues can be extracted from spent grain and used in cosmetic products, face masks & serums. Another option could be to use spent grain as a flour replacement when baking the bread. 500 kg of wet spent grain can replace 150 kg of flour and produce 15% of weekly consumption of dark bread in Kokkola region. Replacing flour with wet spent grain would not only increase the protein intake in baked products, but the bakeries could save between 750 € – 1.000 € per year.
Based on the principle that one man´s trash is another man´s treasure, SYMBIOMA explored how waste products in food industry can be further used as raw materials. Focusing on brewing and distilling industry, potato manufacturing, and fish product manufacturing, the team first analyzed the possibilities (and challenges) for using the waste from these industries, the available services and technical knowledge within NPA based organisations, and then prepared a roadmap to support SMEs´ in successful implementation of circular economy principles in their business cases.
Samuli Taponen
Hermanni Winery LtdNumerous discussions with project partners with different backgrounds and visiting the distilleries in Scotland have inspired us to look for new solutions. The available financing enabled us to allocate resources to work on the issues and screen for solutions potentially suitable for our company. I was directly involved in exploring solutions for using side streams from our distillery: spent grain, wastewater containing yeast, carbon dioxide from fermentation process, also cooling water/heat.