Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects

Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.

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Inspiring tourism SMEs

Local businesses increased their reach

SAINT helped tourism SMEs in Leitrim to increase their markets, target high-value customers, and develop common values. Local businesses and service providers have collaborated together and developed unique packages offering unforgettable adventures. Another aspect of transnational clustering has been organizing the study trips. By testing different slow travel products and meeting colleagues from other participating countries, SMEs were able to transfer some of the gained knowledge to their daily work and to develop a transnational network of slow tourism providers.


Nuala McNulty

Leitrim Landscapes Guided Walks

The mentoring aspect was very helpful enabling us to work with other providers to develop packages in line with Slow Adventure. Visiting other slow adventure programmes in participating countries broadened our view and helped generate ideas for experiences. The video produced was fantastic and is a great marketing tool.