Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
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BuSK focused on increasing the collaboration between state agencies and local communities in planning recreational uses of glacier sites. Through workshops, local authorities, tourism entrepreneurs, NGOs and scientists discussed the potential threats and opportunities arising from different land uses and included it in the management plans. As a result of BuSK, the Park´s management has increased its knowledge of using, PGIS to incorporate local knowledge in land use planning, and public participation in these processes has increased.

Helga Árnadóttir
Vatnajökull National ParkNature conservation often promotes conflicts. VNP participation in BuSK has clarified my vision of the importance of consultation in land use planning as the best way to reach a clear, objective conclusion. The park is of interest to many different stakeholders and BuSK workshops were a good training in the ever-going process of improving and enhancing cooperation between them. The methods are now being used in the making of a new land use plan for an area that was newly added to the park.