Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
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In Northern Ireland, three new Économusées were established – Ursa Minor, Broughgammon farm, and Hillstown Brewery. After becoming an Économusée, several artisans reported an increased number of visitors and like Ursa Minor, a Bakehouse Économusée, they had to increase their staff, prolong the working hours and offer more guided tours. Two young ceramists participated in trainings at other pottery Économusées. One has travelled to Bousquet Économusée in Canada and the other one has been placed in Breeogue Pottery in Ireland. Trainees learned how to set up the layout of the studio and what are the most popular products among tourists.

Dara O'hArthghaile
Ursa Minor Bakehouse ÉconomuséeSince joining the Économusée network we have been fortunate to be in a position to introduce year round employment into the small seaside town of Ballycastle - often only seen as a summer destination. Due to demand and visitor expectations we have been able to employ front of house staff, baristas, a tour guide, baker and kitchen staff. With more staff we have been able to extend our opening hours and offer more tours. We worked in all areas of the business.