Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
Browse the NPA map of results to discover our stories of cooperation. Pick a dot from the map and scroll down to read about people who have met similar minded colleagues and together found solutions for their shared challenges.
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The environmental contamination and ecological impact toolkit comprises several resources that allow the public to better understand, quantify, and visualize the risk of oil spills to seabirds within the north-eastern Atlantic and Arctic region and beyond. The smart interactive map developed by the project included the seabird species that are at risk of oil spills in Northern Europe and in the Arctic and embedded the location and range of all seabird populations and how these change during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. The Oil vulnerability index, that was previously limited to British Isles, has been developed for all seabirds across the eastern north Atlantic and Arctic region.
Photo credit and copyright: The Environmental Research Institute, University of Highlands and Islands

Erlend Tellnes
Greenpeace NordicWe see many areas of use for the tool in our work. Especially in seeing impact and stressors on the marine environment in relation. One example is seeing the bird nesting grounds and trekking routes in relation to where there is planned industrial activities, and to see the potential impact areas of oil spills. These features have not been included in the same platform earlier with this detail.
Photo credit and copyright: Johanna Hanno/Greenpeace