Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
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Oulu University of Applied Sciences has together with the University of Iceland developed the system specifications for the Smart-Labels, including the batteries printed into the labels. Hätälä Oy, a Finnish seafood distributor, has together with Icelandic and Norwegian partners tested the system for monitoring the temperature in the fish supply cold chain and the telecommunication system. The biggest challenge of the project was to find a battery that can support Smart-Labels for 48 hours in harsh and cold environments. Researchers believe that this technicality will be solved in the near future enabling the Smart-Labels to be produced at reasonable costs.

Antti Haapalahti
Oulu University of Applied SciencesWe benefited from the cooperation, we developed the electronics and the communication but the other partners, like the University of Iceland and Nofima in Norway provided the background information and what is the status in transportation and food products business. New projects were born from this first international project, the OUAS lab is involved in another project, Sea Food Age, funded by Interreg Atlantic Area Programme. We collaborated very well, and we earned a good reputation and lessons learnt of how it could be done.