Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
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The Child and Adolescent Clinic at the University Hospital of North Norway in Tromsø utilizes a video conference system as an alternative to face-to-face consultations. The benefits of this system are that patients can have sessions from home or in dedicated rooms at school instead of travelling long distances for in-person meetings, the whole family can participate in the treatment, students avoid absence from school and the sessions can be longer and more frequent, thanks to the time saved in travelling. After successful testing, the University Hospital of North Norway aims to pilot the service nationally in child welfare institutions.

Ingrid Eriksen
University Hospital of North NorwayI think this works surprisingly well. At first, I was sceptical, wondering how this would go, but I have become more and more positive. We can meet patients from all of Northern Norway, and there are technical solutions we can use. Sometimes we feel we get a closer connection to the patients on screen because they are at home or in their community, where they feel safe.