Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
Browse the NPA map of results to discover our stories of cooperation. Pick a dot from the map and scroll down to read about people who have met similar minded colleagues and together found solutions for their shared challenges.
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In Norway, 5 new Économusées were opened – Mylna, Oleana, the Cider House, Arven silver factory, and Bunad verksted. National Association Artisans at work Économusée Norway has been established to promote cultural tourism and to continue the Économusée concept development in Norway. The Cider House Économusée prepared a report which shows how a company can actively use art and artistic expressions as an integrated part of its own products and services.

Gerda & Steffen Fuglerud
OleanaOleana has gotten a boost after they became Économusée company. There are visible posters on the walls, and we also think more like an Économusée. There has been a good feedback from visitors. The main idea behind Économusée has been important for Oleana. The international conference was especially inspiring, everyone was engaged. The value of the network consists in connecting the companies together and engage owners with strong local interests.