Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
Browse the NPA map of results to discover our stories of cooperation. Pick a dot from the map and scroll down to read about people who have met similar minded colleagues and together found solutions for their shared challenges.
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In 2012, the South West of Scotland was designated as a UNESCO Biosphere.
As part of the SHAPE project, the „Biosphere Experiences“ initiative started to add value to existing opportunities through partnering local guides with accommodation providers and expanding the remit of existing tour guides. A Guide Training course has been organised to teach local guides how to better connect visitors to the unique natural and cultural heritage that Glentrool and Cree Valley area are offering.
For tourism operators in the areas, the SHAPE eService has gathered ideas of ecotourism products/services from other Sustainable Heritage Sites and prepared tips for ecotourism businesses how to effectively use social media to engage with visitors.
Photo credit and copyright: GSA Biosphere

Craig Murray
Southwest Scotland ToursI always felt there was scope for a small tour guiding business, but had no idea how to go about it, what the expectations of clients would be and how to do it with as little environmental impact as possible. The GSA Biosphere tour guide course has provided me with that information, and more.. It has provided a way into local networks, huge amounts of information on the local area, support via becoming a “Biosphere Proud Supporter” and eventually work to the Biosphere Certification Mark.