Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
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Two new Économusées were established in the Faroe Islands focusing on stone and wood art. During the project, the relations and cooperation with the local community and local tourist organisations have strengthened. Faroese Économusées cooperated with local musicians and organized concerts in their workshops and composed the music which links the crafts with traditional music. The Wooden Artisan Joel Cole cooperated with inmates from a near detention center and taught them how to use wood processing machines and create art. He also organized a 3-months long apprentice for young people.

Joel Cole
Joel Cole ArtThe Faroes and I personally have benefited in many ways through the Économusée experience. The process has forced me to consider what aspects of my work I wanted to share with the public and to create an experience that is educational, informative, and interesting. It has made my process more approachable, and has helped financially in many ways too. I am grateful for the Économusée network and look forward to many years of fellowship. I have had a total of 4 young people working with me at the shop: two young men and two young women. In return for private lessons on the wood lathe or working on a wood project, they help me with cleaning tasks and organisation.