Discover the achievements of the 2014-2020 NPA projects
Seven years of cooperation between people, communities, and organisations across thousands of kilometres made a difference in the Northern Periphery and Arctic regions.
Browse the NPA map of results to discover our stories of cooperation. Pick a dot from the map and scroll down to read about people who have met similar minded colleagues and together found solutions for their shared challenges.
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In Western Ireland, women entrepreneurs are increasingly inclined to start their own business as they are looking for more independence, increased earning potential, and more opportunities to be creative and flexible. From what emerged in a survey run by W-POWER on a sample of women entrepreneur in Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Scotland, and Canada, women often encounter challenges related with their gender. They report being met with a patronising and dismissive attitude; they feel that they have to work harder compared with their male colleagues and they have to overcome a stereotypical perception that women are to raise children. In all the surveyed countries, women stated similar motivations and challenges related with running their business and outlined which upskilling and capacity-building activities were needed. In response, the project prepared a Peer-to-Peer mentoring programme connecting 2-3 similarly-oriented women led SMEs from different countries and allowed them to virtually meet each other, compare their businesses and practices, learn from each other, and share inspirations, contacts and tips how to steer work-life balance. The participants agreed that for women entrepreneurs working alone, having such a network of likeminded and supportive people has been crucial.
Photo credit: Sara Conolly

Sara Conolly
ArchitectI was selected to participate in the transnational Peer2Peerpilot Programme in 2019. I was matched with Anna, a landscape and graphic designer in east Iceland. We met virtually approximately 20 times over the course of the programme. Thprogramme provided us an opportunity to learn from a fellow female entrepreneur facing similar challenges in running a business and juggling family life. We examined all aspects of our work and shared honest experiences of what worked and did not work. We became neutral sounding boards for each other. Running a business in this region can be isolating and it was refreshing to see that someone in Iceland, Lapland or northern Scotland shares the same aspirations.