An impact evaluation of the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme

A review of the programme’s mid-term achievements indicates the NPA is working well towards its vision: to help to generate vibrant, competitive and sustainable communities.

Halfway through its lifetime, the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme contracted a group of experts to carry out an impact evaluation of the programme work so far. The aim of the report is to assess the contribution of the projects to the objectives of the programme. The evaluators’ comprehensive approach consisted in combining desk work with more hands-on information, such as case studies and interviews with projects. The team also looked back at the achievements from the NPP 2007-2013 programming period and measured the extent to which project impacts were felt beyond the funded period.

In January 2019 the evaluators delivered a Final Report summarising their findings. The main points are outlined below, whereas the full report is available here.

  • The programme has achieved a strong start to the 2014-2020 period, although it is still at an early stage for measuring impact.
  • The medium-longer term impacts from the past period are still perceived, with improved access to services being one of the key strengths.
  • Through the case studies it was possible to notice a link between NPA project results and observed development. Such development consisting of eg. new business growth opportunities, improved service provision to remote communities, growing local capacity to engage with macro development issues.
  • The transnational dimension brings a distinctive added value: local stakeholders can access new know-how and tools, re-evaluate their own unique strengths and opportunities and build capacity for change.
    Read more about What has NPA transnational cooperation achieved?
  • The NPA projects have an Arctic focus and impact on issues such as: sustainable use of resources, Arctic entrepreneurial spirit, cold climate opportunities and overcoming critical mass, and benefit stakeholders within and neighbouring the Arctic.
    Read more about NPA and the Arctic.
  • The impacts of the programme are anticipated to grow or persist. Results are being produced that target specific development needs on the ground as well as wider strategic issues of relevance to local and regional development in the area.